Updates & Events

Nov 1 & 2 2024 Art Show (above) featuring over 20 local artists!
Call Fred Harrison to find out more : 506 756-9050
Summer 2024 Art Show (below) featuring over 20 local artists!
Runs until the end of September, Call Sue Hooper to find out more : 506 650-3333

Join us June 8th & 9th. Sat 10-4 Sun 12-4
Hooper Studios Gallery 2024 opens for the season with
An Open House, Spring Art & Craft exhibit
First group show of 2024 with artist demos Saturday & Sunday pm
People are welcome to explore and draw in the gardens.
Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth: KATHY HOOPER, A Retrospective opening at the Saint John Art Center.
November 3rd, 2023, from 5-7pm
The Saint John Arts Centre is thrilled to celebrate award winning visual artist, Kathy Hooper, with opening of Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth: Kathy Hooper, a Retrospective, on Friday November 3rd, from 5-7pm.
Spanning six decades of curiosity and creation, Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth: Kathy Hooper, a Retrospective is the first comprehensive survey of Kathy Hooper’s prolific art career. Curated by Amy Ash, the exhibition fills the main level of the Saint John Arts Centre, across both galleries and foyer. It includes work dating back to the early 1960’s and through to 2023, some pieces gathered from the artist’s studio, others borrowed from private and public collections. On display will be painting, printmaking, carving, ceramic, drawing and book works which reflect the inherent curiosity, creative diversity and range of Hooper’s work, as well as her skill in various media.
Ash, who received support from The Canada Council for the Arts for her research, stresses the importance of celebrating artists achievements while they are able to collaborate in the process:
“Kathy’s imprint on the New Brunswick arts ecosystem has been revolutionary, and working with her over the past year has been an immense privilege and such a time of learning for me. Being invited into Kathy’s creative world and collaborating with her to bring this exhibition to life has been an honour.”
—Amy Ash, Curator
The opening of Mountains of Wonder and Tangles of Truth: Kathy Hooper, a Retrospective will take place at the Saint John Arts Centre, on Friday November 3rd 2023, from 5-7pm. Both the artist, Kathy Hooper, and curator, Amy Ash, will be in attendance. Entrance is free and all are welcome.
The exhibition continues at Saint John Arts Centre until December 20th, when it will tour to the Andrew and Laura McCain Gallery in Florenceville-Bristol, as well as the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, in 2024.
Additional images, of high resolution or web quality, are available upon request.
About the Artist:
Kathy Hooper (she/her) is an award-winning multidisciplinary visual artist, activist and community organizer based in Hampton, New Brunswick.
Born in Kenya and raised in South Africa, she studied at Rhodes University of Fine Art, in Cape Town, and Central School of Art, in London, before immigration to rural Atlantic Canada, where she’s lived since the early 1960’s.
In 1994, Kathy was the recipient the Sheila Hugh MacKay Foundation’s prestigious Strathbutler Award for Excellence in the Visual Arts & Craft in New Brunswick, and the first woman to be presented with this honour. She went on to receive the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts, in 2008.
Her prolific art practice and dedicated advocacy can be felt throughout the province, in both the vibrancy of the arts community and the infrastructure in place to support professional artists today. As a member of the Premier’s Advisory Committee for the Arts, from 1986-89, Kathy was a catalyst in the formation of The New Brunswick Arts Board, and remained an Art Representative after the board formed. She also served on the Advisory Board of the Canada Council Art Bank and has participated in national and provincial juries.
Kathy has been the recipient of numerous grants from The New Brunswick Arts Board and the Canada Council for the Arts, and has been commissioned by the Town of Hampton, the City of Saint John, The National Film Board, and The Dr V A Snow Centre, among others. She has exhibited across Canada, Europe, the US, and Mexico.
Her works can be found in public and private collections in Canada and beyond, including the collections of The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, The New Brunswick Museum, The UNB Art Centre, Memorial University, Collection Art NB and the National Art Bank.
About the Curator:
Amy Ash (she/they) is an independent curator, writer, and interdisciplinary artist.
Based in Menahkwesk/Saint John, New Brunswick, their projects have been commissioned by the National Gallery London (UK), Orleans House Gallery (UK), Stiwdio Maelor Wales (UK), Platform Centre for Photographic and Digital Arts (MB, Canada), and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery (NB, Canada) among others.
Amy is a juried member of the International Association of Art Critics, and serves on the editorial committee for Visual Arts News Magazine. She is the former Learning & Participation Curator for Gerald Moore Gallery (2013-2015), Learning Curator for the New Brunswick International Sculpture Symposium (2018-2022) and is an Instructor with the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (2019-present).
Across disciplines, Amy’s work engages with collective care through processes of shared meaning-making. Recent curatorial commissions include HOST (2021), for Third Space Gallery (NB), it comes in waves (2022) for UNB Art Centre (NB), and Wayfinding (2022) for ArtsLinkNB’s Atlantic Arts Symposium.
Her independent practice has been supported by The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation, The Peter McKendrick Endowment Fund for Visual Artists, The New Brunswick Arts Board, Canada Council for the Arts, and Arts Council England, among others.
April 30th, 2023 John Peters Humphrey…… unveiling of sculpture. YOU ARE ALL INVITED! 12:30 to 2:00pm
Piggs Peak Garden Party, Sunday, June 4, 1:30 to 4:30
2023 Fundraiser for Piggs Peak
Join us for a fun afternoon together at Hooper Studios Gardens & Gallery for music, plant sale and art. Piggs Peak Garden Party, Sunday, June 4, 1:30 to 4:30
For families, singles, couples. suggested minimum donation of $20. Tax deductible receipts available.
From Karen Mandy, Minister, Piggs Peak:
“The funds that come to Piggs Peak from the Hampton-Piggs Peak Partnership are without doubt, an answer to many prayers. Helping to provide an education to these children is giving back hope into a hopeless situation. It is giving these young people the glimpse of a future that life has ripped from them. I feel extremely blessed to have witnessed first hand, the difference that can be made when a small group of people, on the other side of the world, join hands and commit themselves to something bigger than themselves. It is a rare and beautiful testimony to the human spirit.”
Come and enjoy live music with musicians….Magnus LaBillois, Trio “Preeper Rhaye MacKay”and others. The upstairs Gallery will be open with a show of works by local artists.
There will be info on how you can make a difference supporting children going to school. Anne Scott will have her books available. People, kids can explore their creativity, drawing in the Gallery and lovely gardens. There will be a 50/50 draw and participants can enjoy a perennial & annual plant sale. NEW! We are accepting donations of garden books. Please drop off books inside at Kredls.
There will be info on how you can make a difference supporting children going to school. Anne Scott will have her books available. People can explore their creativity, drawing and making art in the lovely gardens. There will be raffles for art and participants can enjoy a perennial & annual plant sale.
Bring your picnic, your lawn chair or blanket and we will provide yummy rhubarb juice.Buy early. Limited tickets for presale: All proceeds go to pay for school fees in our partner community
For info and to buy tickets please call committee member Sue Hooper 650-3333.
e-transfers to:hamptonpiggspeak@gmail.com.
Visit: /www.facebook.com/hamptonpiggspeak
Past event 2021 Gifts Show Join us Saturday, November 27th, at Hooper Studios Gallery in Hampton from 10 to 4. Thanks for supporting your local artists!
Otherwise we are open by chance or appointment Sue 650-3333 or Kathy
832-5255 177 Kennebecasis River Road. Hampton. www.artathooperstudios.com
Past event. 2021 Hooper Studios Gallery invites you to visit and shop for Art & Craft! Support your local artists!
Join us this Saturday, October 16th, at Hooper Studios Gallery in Hampton
from 10 to 4. Thanks for supporting your local artists!
The Gallery features works by; Cathy Love will show a selection of her beautiful photography. Deborah Payne shows her lovely fibre art, scarves, pins and more! Sue and Kathy with prints, cards and sculptures…. There is one John Hooper sculpture left available for sale. “Cronos”. We have paintings by Fred Harrison, Larry Stewart, collage/paintings by Toby Graser and fibre art by Sophia Bella. Judy Brittain has a variety of lovely mosaics. Phil Savage has amazing stone sculptures and wood carvings of his “ herd”, bears, hippos, horses and more. Enjoy wood, epoxy art pieces by Andy Merrithew and beautiful photography flower art with Liane Thibodeau and Wendy Langille. Wendy will also have some flower bouquets and cards.
Past Events:
Join us Saturday, September 18, at Hooper Studios Gallery and Kathy’s house in Hampton from 10 to 4. In Hooper Studios Gallery, Liane Thibodeau will be host artist in the morning and and Judy Brittain, will be demoing her mosaics in the afternoon. Kathy & Sue will be showing paintings in Kathy’s home.
Otherwise we are open by chance or appointment Sue 650-3333 or Kathy
832-5255 177 Kennebecasis River Road. Hampton. www.artathooperstudios.com
Hooper Studios Instagram: #artathooperstudios
We are open by chance or appointment. Sue 506 650-3333 or Kathy 506 832-5255
177 Kennebecasis River Road. Hampton. Visit www.artathooperstudios.com
Last years happenings:
2020 Hooper Studios Gallery invites you to join us for Fall Open House Days with Art & Craft! Support your local artists!
Saturday, October 24th and November 14th from 10-4
The Gallery will feature works by; Sue and Kathy with paintings, prints, and drawings….Fred Harrison, Toby Graser & Larry Stewart with paintings, and Judy Brittain with her mosaics. Phil Savage will have a limited number of carvings of his “ herd” and Savage Gardens will have dried flower bouquets. Enjoy fiber art with Deborah Payne, wood carvings by David Meade, photography & pottery by Martha Millard & Helen Stanley. There will be artists demos.
Depending on the weather, families are welcome to draw in the garden with their children. Bring a folding chair if it is easy. Clipboards, paper and pencils supplied. We look forward to seeing you.
Numbers will be limited to respect guidelines.
Call for further info. Kathy 832-5255 or Sue 650-3333. 177 Kennebecasis River Road. Hooper Studios Gallery is open otherwise by appointment. Visit www.artathooperstudios.com
2020 We are excited that Eva Gold, Advanced Eden Energy Medicine therapist, is coming back to Saint John, New Brunswick to teach Level 1: Fundamentals 2020 Eden Energy Medicine in practise
DATES: Class 1: May 28 – 31, 2020 Class 2: August 27 – 30, 2020 Class 3: November 19 – 22, 2020
Class 4: February 18 – 21, 2021
TIMES: Thursday: 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Eva Gold (CNHP, EEM-AP) is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine therapist, authorized Energy Medicine for Women instructor and Faculty Member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in Phoenix, AZ. She is also a Licensed Natural Health and Medical Qi-gong Practitioner, Reflexologist, and a Clinical Aromatherapist. For more information about the Foundations program visit: https://edenmethod.com/l1-2020-21-eva-gold-saint-john-nb/
To REGISTER contact your Toronto teacher Eva Gold:
evagold2806@gmail.com • www.em4all.com
2019 Fall Hooper Studios Group Gifts Show
November 16th & 17th
Saturday, 10 to 5, Sunday, 12 to 5 with a variety of local artists and craftspeople! Artists and craftspeople will be doing demos.
Take a lovely drive to Hampton and join us at Hooper Studios. The show brings together over 18 local artists and craftspeople; Fred Harrison, Melanie Craig Hansford, Phil Savage, Paul Kasdan, Helen Stanley, Cathy Love, Liane Thibodeau, Deborah Payne, Sue and Kathy, Sophia Bella, Erin Loughery, Larry Stewart, Caroline Meyer, Edward Guitard, Gudi Pach, Judy Brittain, Aidan and Erica Stanley of Queenstown Goldsmiths.
Visitors can view and purchase beautiful textiles & fibre art, scarves, felted ornaments, hand made shoes, lovely water-colours, pottery, colourful mosaics, sculpture , a variety of cards & prints, a selection of three jewellers works, wood sculpture, turned works & more!
Join us for the Demos! Saturday Sophia Bella will be available on Saturday with Wrapping rocks with wire from 10 to 12 and demoing Teneriffe Lace making from 2 to 4 Paul Kasdan will be available most of the weekend with a special 20 minute talk on his shoe making experience at 2pm on Saturday. Sunday Fred Harrison will be painting from 1-3. Helen Stanley will be demonstrating assembling and decorating the oval and square casseroles, from 3-5. Melanie Craig-Hansford will be working on her watercolors. |
For further info please Call Sue 650-3333 or Kathy 506 832-5255
In 2019 the Gallery will be open by chance or appointment.
Past Happenings 2019
Gallery Opening at Fog Forest Gallery, April 4th “The Journeys” Drawings & Paintings by Kathy & Sue Hooper, Spring 2019
Plant sale Conservation Council fundraiser, Saturday, June 15th at Hooper Studios. Perennials and more! from the beautiful gardens of Sue Hooper, Kathy Hooper, Wendy Langille, Mo Robichaud, Martine Bernard and Sima Usvyatsov. If you have questions call Liane Thibodeau at 763-3631 or write: liane@people-reach.com.
Piggs Peak Garden Party, Sunday, June 23, Hooper Studios, Hampton Art, music and gardening between 2 and 5 Come and enjoy Local Musicians….Magnus LaBillois between 2 and 3pm and “Hardly There”, Amanda J Weir and Sebastien Doucet between 3 and 5pm People can explore their creativity, drawing, painting and making art in the studio and in the lovely gardens. There will be raffles for Funky art flower bouquets! and more! The upstairs Gallery will be open and there will be info on how you can make a difference supporting children going to school. Kids can plant seeds and go home with there own beauties, “Planting for Ubuntu….Oneness” Sweet sunflowers and zinnias for purchase! Yummy nibblies to eat and enjoy delicious rhubarb juice! For families, singles, couples the suggested minimum donation of $20 would be much appreciated. Please bring cash or cheque. Profits go to support school fees. For info and to RSVP call committee member Sue Hooper 650-3333. Visit: /www.facebook.com/hamptonpiggspeak
Sunbury Shores Gallery Opening, Sackville. Kathy Hooper: Retrospective, July 5th, 7 to 9, runs to July 27th
Bloomin Artists, July 20th and 21st, 2019
Hooper Studios Gifts Show, November 16th & 17th, Saturday, 10 to 5, Sunday, 12 to 5 with a wide variety of artists and craftspeople!