Eden Energy Wellness

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Sue Hooper is an Eden Method Clinical Practitioner, a TEEM teacher and a registered Reiki Practitioner CRA-RP. Sue is truly excited to teach others how they can work with their own energies for well being.

Sue and her husband Jack live and work in the country overlooking the Kennebecasis River in Hampton, New Brunswick. Sue has her Energy Wellness Practice at her home space, surrounded by flower gardens, woods, overlooking the lovely Kennebecasis River.

Sue is also an artist, a teacher and co/runs “Art at Hooper Studios” in Hampton, NB with  her mother, Kathy who is also an artist.  Over 24 years ago Sue started practising Taoist Tai Chi, and has always been interested in the benefits of the healing power of nature and meditation.  All of this experience and her spiritual journey deeply informs her art. For energy wellness classes and workshops go to: classes and workshops. 

Energy Medicine sessions. 

Sue works part time, offering consultation and teaching. The time is especially relevant now for exploring how you can positively impact your own well being.  Join Sue and learn the benefits of Energy Wellness, Eden Energy Medicine; simple exercises that can boost your vitality & joy & keep your immune system strong amidst stress. Working with our unique creativity, art and our energies helps us live in the present moment.


Energy Medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much about health and happiness. The health of the body reflects the health of its energies. Energy medicine shows you how to understand and work with your body’s reservoir of electromagnetic and more subtle energies to increase your vitality, identify and correct energy imbalances that keep you from being your best, and enhance your health and your state of mind. For more than three decades Donna Eden has been teaching people how to work with these energies to reclaim their natural healing capabilities.

Through The Eden Method you can learn the tools and techniques you need to unlock your body’s natural healing power!

“Energy Medicine is the last great frontier in medicine.” Mehmet Oz, M.D    Director of the Cardiovascular Institute at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons

“In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”   Albert Szent-Györgyi, MD    Nobel Laureate in Medicine

“Your hands hold power medicine — “energy medicine” — that beyond just soothing the body after an invasive procedure, is able in itself to prevent or help overcome challenging illnesses.”   Christiane Northrup, MD

See links below for Energy Wellness sessions with Sue Hooper. Sue filmed these during Covid in 2020, offering energy wellness tips & exercises to help us reduce our stress & boost our immune systems.  All Energy Wellness sessions are based on the work of holistic health pioneer, Donna Eden with huge gratitude and thanks.

Intro to Energy Medicine, Calming stress and supporting the immune system. (aprox 40 min)


The importance of grounding & boosting vitality. (aprox 30 min)

These are such challenging times for the world. We want to keep ourselves and others uplifted. Humor, laughter is a powerful antidote for fear.  Please have a stainless steel spoon!   https://buff.ly/2xEUg9y

 Calm, centre and restore.  (aprox 15 min)

Join us for  a short 15 minute session that can be used often as needed to Reduce stress & help us stay grounded & centered at this time! Do this outside if it works for you.


Sleeping aids.

Sue Hooper shares some great energy wellness practices that can help us release stress & relax our mind to find a good night’s sleep! Please use the following password to access this session: x9!3C.e2



The Eden Method  https://edenmethod.com/

David Feinstein Energy Psychology http://www.innersource.net/ep

Eva Gold  www.em4all.com

Prune Harris  http://www.pruneharris.com


We are excited that Eva Gold, Advanced Eden Energy Medicine therapist, is coming back to Saint John, New Brunswick to teach Level 1: Fundamentals 2020    Eden Energy Medicine in practise

DATES:    Class 1: May 28 – 31,   Class 2: August 27 – 30,   Class 3: November 19 – 22,
Class 4: February 18 – 21, 2021

This is a one-year program designed for those people desiring in-depth coursework and supervision in Donna Edenʼs style of Energy Medicine. This program is based on a curriculum developed by Donna, along with her faculty members. The goal of the program is to help any student of Eden Energy Medicine obtain a firm foundation in the body of work Donna has created over the past 35 years and to develop the skill levels necessary to begin using these techniques regularly, either with family and friends, or in a professional setting.


Eva Gold (CNHP, EEM-AP) is an Advanced Eden Energy Medicine therapist, authorized Energy Medicine for Women instructor and Faculty Member of the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program in Phoenix, AZ. She is also a Licensed Natural Health and Medical Qi-gong Practitioner, Reflexologist, and a Clinical Aromatherapist.

Level 1: Fundamentals 2020..Cost: aprox $1000. US a class…  but you save the cost of travel 4 times!! so big savings there! and worth the cost!   For more information about the Foundations program visit:   https://edenmethod.com/l1-2020-21-eva-gold-saint-john-nb/

To REGISTER contact your Toronto teacher Eva Gold:

evagold2806@gmail.com • www.em4all.com

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